

Healthcare online Keeping you up-to-date
VOL.  14     ISSUE:  12  December   2016 Medical Services Department

SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Ltd.





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Dear Doctor,

Welcome to "e- SQUARE".

This time, we have focused on some interesting features like -
Antipsychotic Alert !", "Pain Relievers Risk !", "Beta Blockers & Dementia !", "Heart Attack Risk !",  "Smartphones Alert !", "Fish Oil & Pregnancy !".

In our regular feature, we have some products information of SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Ltd. as well.

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 Antipsychotic Alert !

                                        Antipsychotic Drugs May Up Risk of Early Death in Alzheimer's Patients

Taking antipsychotic drugs significantly increases the risk of premature death among Alzheimer's patients, a new study indicates. Researchers analyzed data from almost 58,000 people in Finland diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease between 2005 and 2011. Slightly more than a quarter of the Alzheimer's patients took antipsychotic drugs. The study found they had a 60 percent higher risk of death than those who didn't take the drugs. The risk of death was highest when patients first started taking antipsychotics, but the increased risk persisted with long-term use of the drugs. Patients who took two or more antipsychotic drugs at the same time were nearly twice as likely to die early than those who took one antipsychotic. Although the study found an association between antipsychotic drug use and a higher risk of dying, it cannot prove a cause-and-effect link. But, the researchers said their findings support previous studies. The first warnings about increased risk of death among Alzheimer's patients taking antipsychotics were issued more than 10 years ago. The new study confirms current recommendations that antipsychotic drugs should be used only for the most difficult behavioral symptoms of dementia, such as agitation and aggression, and that length of use should be limited, the researchers said. Also, patients should be given the lowest possible doses, and should not be given two or more antipsychotics at the same time. The study was published recently in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.

SOURCE: HealthDay News, December 2016

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 Pain Relievers Risk !

                                    Everyday Pain Relievers May Be Linked to Hearing Loss in Some Women

Long-term use of over-the-counter pain relievers may be associated with increased risk of hearing loss in some women, a new study says. Women who used ibuprofen or acetaminophen for six years or more were more likely to suffer hearing loss than those who used the pain relievers for a year or less, researchers said. They found no significant association between long-term aspirin use and hearing loss. "Although the magnitude of higher risk of hearing loss with analgesic use was modest, given how commonly these medications are used, even a small increase in risk could have important health implications," study author said. "Assuming causality, this would mean that approximately 16.2 percent of hearing loss occurring in these women could be due to ibuprofen or acetaminophen use," study author said. The study doesn't establish a cause-and-effect relationship, however. For the study, research team analyzed data from more than 54,000 women, ages 48 to 73, in the Nurses' Health Study. Longer use of ibuprofen or acetaminophen was associated with potentially higher risk of impaired hearing. The researchers noted that most of the women in the study were older and white. They said larger studies that include other groups of people are needed to learn more about the possible link between pain relievers and hearing loss. The research team previously found that higher use of acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) was associated with increased risk of hearing loss in men and younger women. "Hearing loss is extremely common in the United States and can have a profound impact on quality of life," study author mentioned. "Finding modifiable risk factors could help us identify ways to lower risk before hearing loss begins and slow progression in those with hearing loss." The study results were published Dec. 14 in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

SOURCE: HealthDay News, December 2016

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 Beta Blockers & Dementia !

                                                 Beta Blockers May Not Be Best Heart Drugs for Dementia Patients

Beta blocker drugs are often the go-to medication for people who've survived a heart attack. But a new study suggests that they may not be the medicine of choice for nursing home residents with dementia. Taking the drugs reduced the risk of death during the study period by about a quarter, the researchers said. But the drugs were also associated with 34 percent higher risk that a patient with moderate or severe dementia would be unable to independently perform the functions of daily life. One heart expert who reviewed the findings said the study supports the notion that there's no "one-size-fits-all" approach to cardiovascular care. Beta blockers are widely used and include medications such as acebutolol, atenolol, bisoprolol, metoprolol, nadolol, nebivolol and propranolol. They're used to treat high blood pressure, heart failure, abnormal heart rhythms and chest pain. According to the study authors, prior research has shown the use of the drugs after a heart attack cuts the risk of an early death by 25 percent to 30 percent. This new study included nearly 11,000 nursing home residents aged 65 and older who had survived a heart attack, after which half of the patients were prescribed beta blockers. The study couldn't prove cause-and-effect, only associations. Beta blockers reduced the number of deaths within 90 days by about a quarter, the researchers reported. But use of the drugs was also associated with about one-third higher odds of reduced "ability to perform daily functions independently" in patients with moderate or severe dementia. No such effect was seen in patients with normal mental function or mild dementia, research team said. Use of beta blockers also did not impair daily function in patients who were not already highly dependent on others to help them with basic daily activities, the study found. "There is a lot of interest in the potential harms of drugs in older adults and how they affect one's quality of life by contributing to problems such as fatigue, dizziness and a general sense of being off," researcher said. The new findings highlight "how the potential mortality benefits of drugs can be balanced by harms to quality of life in older adults, and how to manage that risk-benefit trade-off," he said. The study was published Dec. 12 in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine.

SOURCE: HealthDay News, December 2016

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 Heart Attack Risk !

                                                                    High Pain Tolerance Tied to 'Silent' Heart Attack Risk

People who are less sensitive to pain may be at increased risk of having a "silent" heart attack, a new study hints. Chest pain is one of the "classic" symptoms of a heart attack. But many people have so-called silent heart attacks, where they notice no obvious symptoms. "Almost everyone knows what a heart attack is. When we hear about it, we think of chest pain and emergency medical care," the lead researcher said on the new study. "But what's less known is, many people experience heart attacks without knowing it -- without ever receiving a diagnosis," researcher added. No one knows why that is. But the new findings suggest that pain tolerance might be a factor. Using a standard test of pain sensitivity, research team found that people who had a silent heart attack in the past generally had a higher pain tolerance than people who'd sought treatment for heart attack symptoms. When the researchers dug deeper, the connection appeared to be stronger in women than men. One study visit involved a standard pain-sensitivity test where people plunge a hand into cold water for as long as they can stand it, for up to two minutes. At the next study visit, participants underwent electrocardiograms -- which can detect signs of a past heart attack, even if it was unrecognized at the time. Of over 4,800 adults who had both tests, it turned out that 8 percent had previously had a silent heart attack. Just under 5 percent had ever had a diagnosed heart attack. When the researchers compared the two groups, they found that people who had a silent attack had, on average, greater pain tolerance. It's possible that people who tolerate cold-induced pain are also less sensitive to pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart, she said. There were differences between men and women in the study. Overall, more men had suffered a heart attack -- 19 percent versus 7 percent of women. But silent attacks accounted for three-quarters of all heart attacks among women, compared with 58 percent among men. According to research team, that's in line with past studies: Women are more likely than men to have atypical heart attack symptoms, and their heart attacks are more likely to go undiagnosed. It's not clear how pain sensitivity fits into that picture. In this study, women generally had less pain tolerance than men. But the connection between greater pain tolerance and silent heart attack was stronger among women than in men. It's possible, she said, that women with diagnosed heart attacks have particularly severe symptoms. "It may be that it 'takes more' symptoms to have your heart attack recognized if you are a woman," she speculated. The bottom line, according to researcher, is that it's important for doctors to be on the lookout for less-obvious heart attack symptoms, especially in women. "Absence of chest pain should not lower doctors' alertness toward heart disease," she said. Sometimes the red flags pop up in the longer term, she noted. Breathing problems and swelling in the legs, for instance, can be signs of heart muscle damage from a previous, undiagnosed heart attack, she said. Silent attacks, researcher said, are just as serious as ones that cause obvious chest pain -- carrying similar risks of death or repeat heart attack over the long term.

SOURCE: HealthDay News, December 2016

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 Smartphones Alert !

                                                                         Smartphone, Tablets Linked Weight Gain in Teens

Teens glued to their tablet, smartphone or computer for hours on end may be more likely to become obese, a new study suggests. Those who used screen devices for five or more hours daily were twice as likely to drink more sugary beverages and engage in too little physical activity, the researchers found. As a result, these teens showed a 43 percent increased risk of obesity compared with kids who don't use smartphones or tablets at all. But the study did not prove that high use of these technologies caused obesity risk to rise. "Parents should be cautious with their kids in terms of how much they're using these devices, especially if you see your child on them several hours a day," study lead author said. "It is something to keep an eye on and be concerned about, because it could be having an effect on their health." Kids using a screen device for that amount of time is not that uncommon, researcher and her co-author found. One of every five U.S. teenagers spends more than five hours a day on smartphones, tablets, computers and video games, the researchers discovered. By comparison, only 8 percent of kids watch more than five hours a day of TV. "We know kids are shifting their time away from TV and onto these other devices," she added. Previous studies have linked excessive TV viewing with increased consumption of sugary drinks, fast foods, sweets and salty snacks -- all leading to a higher risk of obesity, the study authors said. Researcher decided to see whether this risk also applied to kids who've ditched TV for screen devices. The study relied on data drawn from the 2013 and 2015 waves of the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, a regular youth survey conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Researchers reviewed responses from almost 25,000 teens in grades 9 through 12. The results regarding excess TV viewing agreed with earlier findings, the researchers said. Teens who watched five or more hours of TV daily were nearly three times as likely to drink sugary beverages daily and 78 percent more likely to become obese, compared with kids who didn't watch TV. But those bad habits also appeared to transfer over when kids used smartphones, tablets or computers. Five or more hours of screen device time every day was linked to a doubled risk of drinking sugary beverages and getting too little exercise every day, and a 74 percent increased risk of poor sleep. She recommends getting advice on ways to limit screen time if child is using smartphones or tablets more than a couple hours a day. "If they're regularly on these devices for long periods of time, parents maybe want to talk with pediatrician about strategies for how to cut back a little bit," she said. The new study was published online Dec. 14 in The Journal of Pediatrics.

SOURCE: HealthDay News, December 2016

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 Fish Oil & Pregnancy !

                                                                   Fish Oil During Pregnancy May Cut Kids' Asthma Risk

Women who take fish oil during their third trimester of pregnancy might cut their children's risk of developing asthma by as much as one-third, a new clinical trial suggests. The fish oil dose was high -- with fatty acid levels that were 15 to 20 times more than the average American gets from food. But there were no significant side effects, according to lead researcher. He stopped short of making any general recommendations for pregnant women, however. Lead researcher said his "personal interpretation" is that fish oil offers a safe way to prevent some cases of childhood asthma. But he also said there are questions left for future studies. Among them are: What is the best point in pregnancy to start fish oil, and what is the optimal dose? Experts who were not involved in the study called the findings encouraging. They also agreed on the need for more research. The study, published Dec. 29 in the New England Journal of Medicine, adds to evidence that fish oil may help ward off asthma. Lab research has suggested DHA and EPA can make the airways less prone to inflammation, according to a researcher with the U.S. National Institutes of Health. In an editorial published with the study, lab researcher called the results "highly promising." Still, he writes, "a note of caution is warranted." Because the fish oil doses were high -- 2.4 grams per day -- research should look at whether the treatment has any negative longer-term effects, lab researcher added. For the study, research team randomly assigned 736 pregnant women to take either fish oil capsules or a placebo every day during the third trimester. The placebo capsules contained olive oil. In the end, children in the fish-oil group were about one-third less likely to develop asthma or persistent wheezing -- a sign of asthma in very young children. By the age of 5, nearly 17 percent were diagnosed with either condition, versus almost one-quarter of children in the placebo group. Some children seemed to benefit more than others, however. The effects were mostly seen in the one-third of children whose mothers had the lowest DHA/EPA intake to begin with. Genetics also seemed to matter: Supplements were more effective when mothers carried a gene variant that causes lower DHA/EPA levels in the blood. Still, that could leave a large number of children who stand to benefit, lead researcher said. The study was done in Denmark, where fish intake is relatively high, he pointed out. "Women in the lower third of intake in Denmark are well above the average intake in the U.S.," he added. "I expect a stronger effect in populations that are inland, where fish is more unusual in the diet." But studies are needed to show whether that's the case, he said. The gene findings might also complicate the picture somewhat: The percentage of people with "bad" gene variants that cause lower DHA and EPA levels would likely be different from one population to the next, lead researcher said.

SOURCE: HealthDay News, December 2016

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 Products of SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

  Product Solider®  
  Generic Name Solifenacin
  Strength 5 mg, 10 mg
  Dosage form Tablet
  Therapeutic Category Urinary Incontinence
  Product Utal®
Generic Name

Ulipristal Acetate 

Strength 5 mg
Dosage form Tablet
Therapeutic Category Uterine Fibroids
  Product Bonizol®
  Generic Name Zoledronic Acid 
  Strength 5 mg/100 ml
  Dosage form IV Injection
  Therapeutic Category Antiosteoporotic

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